67 pages 2 hours read

Kate Albus

A Place to Hang the Moon

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2021

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Chapters 5-9Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

When the children wake the next morning, they prepare for special morning summer school, organized for evacuees. Edmund volunteers to write a postcard to Miss Collins and update her on their billet.

Mrs. Forrester tells the three that the twins will give them a tour of town on the way to the village school. Predictably, the moment they leave the house, Jack and Simon sprint away and ditch the Pearce siblings. The three find their own way to school, noting Mr. Forrester’s butcher shop and a lending library.

They are put in Mrs. Warren’s class. In the same class are Hugh, an uncared-for looking boy Edmund gave chocolate to the day before; Alfie, a heavyset boy; and Frances, an outspoken girl who seems to have a crush on William. The children are all glad for the normalcy class brings.

After lunch, Mrs. Forrester comes to fetch the children, asking if they would like to accompany her on her errands. Edmund, thinking quickly, fibs and says their teacher gave them a reading assignment. He asks if they can visit the lending library while she shops for groceries. She is amused at the idea of people reading but agrees.

Chapter 6 Summary

In the lending library, the children immediately feel at home. Through books, they’ve been able to recognize that they have never had a storybook home. They’ve each used stories to construct an ideal set of parents. Edmund’s storybook dad is a cowboy in the American Wild West and a pirate, and his mother is “the greatest cook this side of the Rio Grande” (71). William’s storybook mother is reliable and takes his responsibilities from him. Anna’s storybook mother has many of William’s attributes, and most of all she is simply “there (72).

They meet the librarian Miss Müller, who warmly welcomes them. They tell her about their reading exploits and she is impressed. She prepares library cards for them while the children pick their books. William cannot choose one, so she selects one of her favorites for him, Murder on the Orient Express. When they approach the front desk, Mrs. Forrester is there with her groceries. She is noticeably chilly toward the librarian as the children get their library cards.

At the Forrester home, Mrs. Forrester asks Anna to read Woman’s Weekly with her while the boys retreat to the twins’ room to read. When the twins come home, they kick the boys out, saying they are lucky to even sleep there. The three convene in Anna’s room, where they commiserate about their lot. At supper, Jack and Simon release a barrage of accusations local children are making about the “vackies.” Mr. and Mrs. Forrester fail to see their sons’ cruelty.

Back in Anna’s room after supper, Edmund sees that all the sweets he packed from home in his suitcase are missing. He storms into the twins’ room, believing they are the thieves. Mrs. Forrester interrupts the altercation. She immediately refuses to believe Edmund’s accusation and tells him he left them on the train. William agrees with her and steers the other two away. Edmund is angry with William, who says he believes Edmund but is trying his best to not get the three chucked out.

Anna is upset by the events and William, though he is emotionally exhausted, conjures up a make-believe story about their parents to soothe her before bed.

Chapter 7 Summary

Two weeks later, the children have developed a routine. They eat breakfast with Mrs. Forrester, walk to and from school, and listen to news about the war on the radio in the evening. They get news that the Nazis have occupied France. While the children fear the realness of war now that it is so close to their old home, Mrs. Forrester wonders if she can still get French perfume.

When the students return to the lending library, Mrs. Müller is pleased to see them. She engages them about the content of the books they have just read with genuine curiosity and suggests that Edmund should be the “first reader” of Enid Blyton’s The Enchanted Wood, which has just been delivered to the library. While the children look for new books, Anna eavesdrops on Mrs. Müller’s conversation with a woman named Florence, who asks Mrs. Müller if she can give the local women a tutorial on changing their flowerbeds now that wartime rations are so strict. Mrs. Müller is hesitant, saying that she is not popular with the villagers. Florence calls those people “small-minded” and says that a tutorial would help show them that Mrs. Müller is doing her bit for the country (90).

On the walk back to the Forresters’, Anna tells her brothers what she has heard. It is clear to them that people dislike Mrs. Müller for some reason, though they do not know why.

Chapter 8 Summary

In July, the Nazis bomb Wales, Dover, and Cornwall. Mr. Forrester decides to join the Local Defense Volunteers. Mrs. Forrester is mostly still concerned about what goods the war effort will take from her.

The children receive a welcome letter from Miss Collins. They’re shocked to learn her first name is Kezia and they realize they do not really know much about her.

After school one day in late summer, the evacuees are bussed to see Pinocchio in theaters. The siblings have only seen one movie before. Frances sits next to William on the bus and in the theater, and he is uncomfortable with her attention to him. The children are greatly impressed with the movie.

After they return to town, they stop at the library for new books. Anna regales Mrs. Müller with the entire plot of Pinocchio. She recommends Anna read Anne of Green Gables, but Anna is skeptical about another “orphan book.” The two commiserate about the frequency of the trope in literature.

At the Forresters, the twins’ treatment is growing consistently worse. They maliciously prank the boys, throwing away their things and putting pepper in their clothes. Anna thinks her brothers should tell the Forresters, but the boys say that parents will always take the side of their own kids.

Chapter 9 Summary

At the end of summer, the village children return to school. Evacuees use the school in the morning, and village children in the afternoon. Tension grows between the groups. At supper, Simon says evacuees are vandalizing textbooks by writing “vackie” on them. Edmund points out that they never use this slur against themselves, but Mrs. Forrester scolds him for arguing with Simon.

On September 7, London is attacked. The children are distressed. The twins tease Anna for crying while the names of casualties are read. The raid continues for 37 nights, whereupon Princess Elizabeth addresses the nation via radio for the first time.

In fall, Mrs. Warren has class outside so the children can pick ripe plums. Edmund finds a freshly dead snake and hides it, planning to use it to get back at the twins. He hides it in Simon’s bed without telling the others. After dinner Simon finds the snake in his bed. Though all three siblings claim innocence, Mrs. Forrester is suspicious.

The twins seem cowed, but a few days later, someone paints “VACKIES” in large black letters on the school (113). The teachers are worried the townspeople will blame them, as it is always easier to blame outsiders.

That afternoon, the students visit the library where Mrs. Müller is setting up the gardening presentation Florence requested. Only six people, including the librarian and Florence, attend. Mrs. Müller is sad and embarrassed, so William asks if children can attend the presentation, which pleases her.

When they mention the presentation at dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Forrester dismiss Mrs. Müller and seem eager to stop talking about her. Simon tells them about the graffiti at school, and the Forrester parents accept that it was the work of an evacuee, who Simon says “were never taught proper manners from the start” (117). Mrs. Forrester has stopped scolding Simon for saying such things.

After supper, the children go to the parlor to do their homework. A can of black paint rolls from Edmund’s bag. Mr. and Mrs. Forrester are furious. Edmund tells them he has been set up by Jack and Simon, which enrages the parents further. Edmund asks William if he knows Edmund would never do such a thing, and William pauses a bit too long before saying yes.

Chapters 5-9 Analysis

In these chapters, the Pearce siblings begin to negotiate their understanding of The Meaning of Family as they encounter the Tiers of Social Prejudice in the novel. These chapters examine the way that people position certain groups as outsiders in moments of societal distress in order to make themselves feel safer and more secure. William, Edmund, and Anna are often reminded that they are outsiders in the Forrester household and are not considered real family members. This conflict eventually escalates into the siblings’ ejection from the Forresters’ house.

After their first night in the Forresters’ house, Anna expresses discontent about the way Mrs. Forrester tucked her in: “I mean, she didn’t tell me a story. All she did was let me know where the Anderson was” (58). For the Pearces, The Importance of Stories in Difficult Times is the way books can forge connections with other people; Mrs. Forrester not only does not share this interest, but she finds it incredible that the children read for fun: “[Y]ou’ll never guess what I found your sister doing when I knocked this morning! […] Reading! […] Can you imagine?” (57). To her, reading seems like an amusing and strange quirk rather than a serious interest. This serves as a warning sign to the children about whether the Forresters’ home is meant to be their forever home.

The way Jack and Simon treat the siblings deepens this feeling and introduces the conflict between the village and evacuees. At dinner after the siblings’ first day at school, Jack says, “Charlie says loads of the vackies have got nits” (79). He uses the derogatory nickname “vackies” as shorthand for “evacuees.” This nickname is meant to ostracize the group and differentiate them from the village people. For Jack and Simon, the village people are the in-group, and the evacuees are the out-group: different, strange, and unwelcome. They do not make attempts to understand this new group of people, but immediately stigmatize them and express prejudicial beliefs about their attributes.

This behavior spreads to their treatment of the siblings. When the twins steal the candy Edmund packed, Mrs. Forrester’s response both emphasizes the children’s outsider status and convinces them further that this is not the home for them: “Mrs. Forrester’s reply left little doubt as to where her allegiance lay. ‘Jack and Simon would never do such a thing, pet. Perhaps you left your sweets in the train? Or ate more than you realized on your journey?’” (81). She infantilizes Edmund by calling him “pet,”—a nickname Anna expressly hates—invalidates his feelings, and then turns the blame for the situation back on him. To the children, who are looking for loving, caring parents, this is not the behavior of their future family.

The interactions between the Pearce siblings and the Forrester twins represent both man vs. man and man vs. society, which are common literary devices used to categorize conflicts. The Pearce siblings have a direct, personal conflict with the twins. Though the Pearces do not reciprocate the twins’ behavior, they struggle against the forces of the twins’ physical and mental antagonism. This man versus man struggle is a microcosm of the larger man versus society struggle taking place in the village. The village is suspicious of and antagonistic to outsiders, which is enhanced due to wartime fear and instability. Mrs. Müller’s friend Florence calls this “[r]ubbish from a few small-minded people” (90). However, even if only a few villagers are actively hostile to those they consider outsiders, this treatment can feel like “more than just a handful of hard-hearted souls” if no one else intervenes (90). Those who enable or excuse people who are actively hostile to outsiders can be equally harmful and hurtful.

William, Edmund, and Anna experience this societal prejudice in their final days at the Forrester house. Knowing that their parents will defend them, Jack and Simon graffiti “VACKIES” in black paint on the school and then hide the paint can among Edmund’s things. When Mrs. Forrester sees the can, Edmund’s “cheeks [are] on fire with the righteous anger of the wrongfully accused” (118). Edmund knows that his defense of himself and accusation of the twins is over before it really begins. Mr. and Mrs. Forrester, while outwardly cordial to the Pearces, have always enabled their sons’ behavior, and the Pearces know this will be no different. Edmund knows that he will always be considered an outsider compared to the twins, and so his behavior will always seem more suspect, which means it is entirely unsurprising when the Forresters refuse to believe Edmund’s insistence of innocence. Mrs. Forrester predictably says, “We—cannot—have—this” (118), and the children go to bed knowing that their time with the Forresters is over.

However, the Pearce children do find an ally in a fellow “outsider.” Their bond with Mrs. Müller grows stronger as they discover a shared love of literature and a similar experience of community exclusion. Mrs. Müller supports the children as she encourages their interests and respectfully listens to them, such as when she discusses the trope of “orphans” in stories with Anna. In turn, the Pearces attend Mrs. Müller’s gardening demonstration, showing support and solidarity. This growing relationship establishes Mrs. Müller as someone the children trust and who cares for them in turn, which sets the first hints about their future as a family.