58 pages 1 hour read

Morley Callaghan

All the Years of Her Life

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 1936

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Character Analysis

Alfred Higgins

Callaghan does not offer much in terms of Alfred Higgins’s physical description, and it is unclear if he is a teenager or in his early twenties. The only hint toward Alfred’s age and appearance appears when Mrs. Higgins says, “He looks a big fellow, doesn’t he? It takes some of them a long time to get any sense” (18); in this moment, Alfred uncomfortably shifts away, causing light to “shine for a moment on his thin face and the tiny pimples over his cheekbone” (18). More important is the psychological profile that his mother’s remark helps to flesh out. Alfred’s repeated destructive behavior indicates carelessness and immaturity for his age, whatever it actually is.

Neither Callaghan’s narrator nor any of the story’s characters offer details concerning the types of trouble Alfred has been in with his earlier employers. Yet the depth of Alfred’s immaturity begins to take shape early in the narrative—specifically, when Mr. Carr accuses him of shoplifting. Despite his rising fear, Alfred turns red and knows “that he looked fierce with indignation” (17). Callaghan’s narrator registers Alfred’s awareness of his appearance of “indignation.” This detail highlights a performative aspect of Alfred’s denial—a denial of his fear as well as a denial of Mr. Carr’s accusation. His performance of crossness with Mr. Carr reveals Alfred’s willful refusal to take responsibility for his actions and develops The True Meaning of Maturity as quite different from the affectation of it.

Further dimension is given to Alfred’s immaturity as he and Mr. Carr await his mother’s arrival at the store. Alfred worries about the emotional display she may make when she gets there: “Alfred knew how his mother would come rushing in” (17). When she does arrive, Alfred is so struck by her calm composure that he cannot perceive the significance of his mother’s comportment. The sharp contrast between Alfred’s expectations of his mother and the reality illuminates his self-focused thoughtlessness. He does not perceive the suffering that his reckless behaviors have been causing his mother, highlighting his need for The Development of Empathy; it is only in the story’s final moments that his disregard for her is shattered by the toll his irresponsibility has taken on her.

Mr. Sam Carr

Mr. Sam Carr is presented through Alfred’s point of view, so readers must piece his character together using context clues. For example, Mr. Carr usually does not look up from his nightly duties at the register as he “brusquely” says “Good night” to the departing Alfred (17). This may indicate that Mr. Carr is a busy and perhaps preoccupied small business owner—one Alfred might feel he could safely shoplift from without attracting notice.

However, Mr. Carr is a wiser and more attentive man than Alfred might have initially assumed. Mr. Carr’s dialogue with Alfred reveals that he values trust between himself and his employees—“I liked you and would have trusted you, and now look what I got to do” (17). This is likely why Mr. Carr “worries” and hesitates to “call a cop in point-blank” (17). His dialogue with Alfred also reveals in Mr. Carr a quiet, tolerant patience not unlike Mrs. Higgins’s. Even when Alfred indignantly refutes Mr. Carr’s accusations, their exchange does not erupt into an argument; instead, Mr. Carr calmly nods at the frightened young man and says nothing. Mr. Carr’s calm approach is effective, as Alfred quickly empties his pockets.

Like Alfred, Mr. Carr also expects Mrs. Higgins to come emotionally rushing into the store, angry and defensive. When Mrs. Higgins subverts this expectation, Mr. Carr is impressed by her and “embarrassed” at having expected so little of this dignified and composed woman. The quality of Mr. Carr’s character further emerges here, as he meets Mrs. Higgins where she is: in a place of “vast tolerance” for Alfred’s behavior. The temperature of the scene is thus quickly lowered and, while Mr. Carr does fire Alfred from his job at the drugstore, he calmly agrees not to file charges with the police.

Mrs. Higgins

Like Mr. Carr, Mrs. Higgins is a complex character whose depth is often obscured by Alfred’s point of view. For example, Alfred’s initial, fearful expectation of her arrival at the drugstore sets readers up to assume that Mrs. Higgins may have an angry and disapproving relationship with her son, likely due to all the trouble he has been in with employers. In the absence of further details about Mrs. Higgins’s temperament or prior actions, readers are suspended with Alfred in worried expectation.

This setup makes Mrs. Higgins’s smilingly calm and dignified entrance in the scene all the more noteworthy. Mrs. Higgins calmly listens to Mr. Carr explain her son’s offense, and even when Alfred admits he’s been shoplifting simply because he has been “spending his money” “[g]oing around with the guys,” she remains steady and unflappable (17). Alfred’s mother responds to Mr. Carr by asking him to hear her out before making a decision; she then reasons it would be better for Alfred to accompany her home rather than face the police, as her words are more likely than punishment to have an effect on him. Mrs. Higgins’s calm resolve commands the scene, and an admiring Mr. Carr acquiesces to her reasoning.

When she and her son depart for home, Mrs. Higgins’s actual emotional state begins to reveal itself. While she does not become perceivably angry with her son, she does “bitterly” say, “Don’t speak to me. You’ve disgraced me again and again” (18). When they reach home, she expresses her disapproval by telling Alfred, “You’re a bad lot” (19), and then sends him to bed as if he were a child. Her words suggest that she has run out of things to say to Alfred about his behavior and has simply grown weary of it.

Readers next see Mrs. Higgins when she is in the kitchen, her son Alfred watching her from the shadows. In this scene, Mrs. Higgins’s character, weakened by weariness, cuts a contrast with her presence at the drugstore. Although the tea does seem to give her some relief, the strain she is under is clear in her trembling. Tea and time alone seem all the relief Mrs. Higgins can get, but the exhaustion brought on by The Selflessness of Maternal Love is finally evident to her youngest son, who now understands his youth must end.

Mr. Higgins

Mr. Higgins does not himself appear in the story and is only mentioned a few times; nevertheless, his significance and role in Alfred’s life may be partly interpreted. Near the end of the story, for instance, Mrs. Higgins tells Alfred, “Mind now, not a word about this to your father” (19)—referring to Alfred’s shoplifting and dismissal from Mr. Carr’s store. Mrs. Higgins perhaps feels that Alfred’s father does not need the added stress of knowing his son has once again gotten in trouble with an employer. Alternatively, the moment may hint at the power Alfred’s father holds in the Higgins household: To tell him of the night’s events could lead to severe punishment for Alfred. Thus, Mr. Higgins’s invisible but significant presence looms in the story’s background. Readers learn nothing about his temperament or relationship with his son, yet his existence inspires Mr. Carr, earlier in the story, to use him as a threat against Alfred.

Yet to Alfred, his father seems to carry less weight, as he quickly dismisses Mr. Carr’s threat by letting him know his father is not available to discipline him. Alfred’s attitude toward his father in this early moment further highlights his immaturity; what Alfred does not see is that his father’s work is likely all that is keeping the Higgins family afloat. Alfred notes that Mr. Higgins works late as a printer, subtly hinting that the Higgins family is likely working class. As the story is presumably contemporaneous with its writing, the necessity of Mr. Higgins’s work is made still more significant for its context within the Great Depression. His steady, dedicated employment subtly contrasts with his son’s inability to either keep a job or contribute to their household. 

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