52 pages 1 hour read

Jasmine Mas

Blood of Hercules (Villains of Lore, #1)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 16-23Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary: “Haunted—Alexis”

In Corfu, Alexis is so physically exhausted that she cannot explain what happened. Instead, Kharon returns to the villa and provides a synopsis of her fight with Titus and Alessander. He admonishes Alexis for harming herself and resets her broken nose. When he is alone with her, he accuses her of being a liar. He wants to know why she is keeping up the charade, but she does not know what he is talking about and swears that she is not lying about anything. He then tells her that he is proud of her and calls her “dearest” in Latin. After he leaves, she wonders whether Kharon is stalking her.

Resolving never to become mean tempered like the Chthonics, Alexis recuperates. On one occasion, photographers bother her as she swims in the sea, and she runs back to the house. She alerts her mentors, and Kharon goes to track the photographers. As they wait, Patro explains his and Achilles’ Chthonic powers. He states that Achilles’ voice is death dealing and that Patro can sense lies. Meanwhile, Kharon kills the photographers, and as he walks away, Alexis notices his limp and wonders if he was injured. That night, she discovers Patro and Achilles mid-fellatio and hurriedly sneaks back to her bedroom.