75 pages 2 hours read



Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1759

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Chapters 1-5Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Candide is a young boy living in the castle of Monsieur the Baron von Thunder-ten-tronckh in Westphalia. He has “the gentlest of dispositions” (3) and is open in mind and spirit. Candide is likely the son of the Baron’s sister and a gentleman she would not marry because his family pedigree could only be traced 71 generations. The Baron has a 17-year-old daughter, Cunégonde, and a son. Pangloss is the resident tutor, who teaches “metaphysico-theologico-cosmo-nigology” (4). His philosophy is that “there was no effect without cause” (4) and that “all is for the best” (4) in the universe. Candide avidly listens to Dr. Pangloss’ lessons and innocently believes him because nothing seems better than his current world: living with the Baron, seeing Cunégonde every day, whom he secretly loves, and listening to Dr. Pangloss.

One day, Cunégonde sees Dr. Pangloss “giving a lesson in experimental physics” (4) to Paquette, her mother’s chambermaid. She is suddenly “filled with desire to be a scientist” (4) and seeks out Candide after dinner one night. Hidden behind a screen the two kiss, but as their encounter escalates, the passing Baron, “observing this cause and that effect” (5), chases Candide out of the castle. 

Chapter 2 Summary

Exiled from the castle, a penniless Candide wanders for a long time lamenting the loss of Cunégonde and falls asleep in a field. The next morning, he goes to the town of “Valdberghoff-trarbk-dikdorff” (5) in search of food and shelter, and he is invited to dine with two men who are curious about his height and build. They buy his dinner and give him some money, and Candide thinks “everything is indeed for the best” (6). The men ask if he loves the King of the Bulgars, and when they all drink to the king’s health, Candide is informed he is now in the service of the king and is put in irons. The men take him to train with a regiment; Candide endures a brutal training period as a soldier and is whipped daily.

One day he goes for a long walk, thinking it his right as a free man, but is caught by four other “heroes” (6) and court-martialed. He can choose his punishment—either run the gauntlet 36 times or receive “twelve lead bullets in his skull simultaneously” (7). He chooses to run the gauntlet but endures only two runs before begging to be shot. As he is blindfolded, the King of the Bulgars passes by, understands that Candide is “a young metaphysician entirely unschooled in the ways of the world” (7), and pardons him. Candide is healed by a physician, and the King of the Bulgars declares war on the King of the Abars. 

Chapter 3 Summary

The two well-trained armies go to war, and about 30,000 men are killed. Candide hides while the “heroic butchery” (8) plays out, and he decides to “think about effects and causes elsewhere” (8), deserting his army. In a neighboring Abar village, he finds only carnage: old men slaughtered, women with throats cut, girls raped and disemboweled. Candide flees to a Bulgar village and finds the same carnage and a village in ruins. Thinking of Mademoiselle Cunégonde, he flees to Holland where he is sure he will be taken care of in a wealthy Christian country. Upon arriving, he begs alms but is admonished by the people there, who threaten to put him in prison. Candide approaches a man who was speaking to a crowd about charity, who asks him, “Are you here for a good cause?” (8), which Candide misunderstands and replies, “There is no effect without cause” and “everything is linked in a chain of necessity” (8), tracing his journey from Mademoiselle Cunégonde to Holland as necessary in the best of all worlds. The man asks if Candide believes the Pope is the Anti-Christ, and when Candide says he does not know but still needs food, they chase him off and the man’s wife dumps a chamber pot on him from above.

A passerby named Jacques, “a good Anabaptist” (9), sees how Candide was treated and takes him home to clean and feed him, giving him two florins. Candide is so grateful he sees this as a confirmation of Dr. Pangloss’ philosophy. The next day, Candide encounters a sick beggar on the street in terrible condition. 

Chapter 4 Summary

Candide offers the beggar two florins and is shocked to discover it is Dr. Pangloss. Candide takes him back to the Anabaptist’s stable to feed his old teacher. Pangloss reveals that Cunégonde is dead, and Candide faints; upon reviving, Candide asks if she died of heartbreak when he was exiled from the castle. Pangloss tells him no, that Cunégonde and her brother were raped and disemboweled by Bulgar soldiers, while the Baron and Baroness were both “chopped to bits” (10), and the castle destroyed. Candide asks why Pangloss is in such a pitiable state, and he replies “love is its name” (11), recounting that Paquette gave him syphilis, which she caught from a Franciscan, who caught it from an old countess, who caught it from a page-boy, who caught it from a Jesuit, who “inherited it in a direct line from one of the shipmates of Christopher Columbus” (11). This “strange genealogy” (11) is necessary to the best of all possible worlds, Pangloss reasons, for it is the price of other products from the Caribbean, like chocolate and cochineal. Candide begs Jacques the Anabaptist to fund Pangloss’ medical care, who agrees to it. Pangloss loses an eye and an ear in the process and becomes Jacques’ bookkeeper.

They join Jacques on a business trip to Lisbon; on the boat, Pangloss explains to Jacques that “all things are arranged for the best” (12). Jacques disagrees, saying men have created weapons on their own to destroy one another, and bankruptcy courts cheat both the bankrupt and the creditor. Pangloss insists this individual suffering is for the greater good, while a storm gathers over the boat with Lisbon in sight.

Chapter 5 Summary

Half of the ship is seasick while the other half is panicking in the storm. As Jacques is helping with the rigging, a “crazed sailor” (13) strikes him but is thrown overboard and caught on a dangling mast. Jacques helps the sailor back on board but is thrown overboard, and the sailor leaves Jacques to drown. Candide goes to help Jacques but is stopped by Pangloss, who insists “that Lisbon harbor was built expressly so that this Anabaptist should one day drown in it” (13). As he is talking, the ship splits, and only Candide, Pangloss, and the “brute of a sailor who had drowned their virtuous Anabaptist” (13) survive the shipwreck.

Pangloss and Candide arrive in Lisbon just in time to experience an earthquake, which destroys the city and 30,000 of its inhabitants. The sailor sees the opportunity to loot the city, get drunk, and pay for a prostitute, all among the dead and dying. Pangloss rebukes the man, who rebuffs him. Candide, suffering from injuries in the earthquake, calls for help, while Pangloss argues with him about philosophy, finally relenting to bring him water when Candide faints. The next day, they help survivors, whom Pangloss comforts with his belief that all is for the best. An agent of the Inquisition overhears his reasoning and asks if Pangloss believes in Original Sin, who insists on the possible coexistence of both free will and predetermination, so the Inquisitor has him arrested. 

Chapters 1-5 Analysis

The first five chapters encompass Candide’s education, entry into the theater of war, and first voyage beyond his home country. Voltaire’s introduction to Candide, the titular protagonist, frames the young man within the sheltered, somewhat idyllic life at the Castle of Baron von Thunder-ten-tronckh. Despite the scandal of his illegitimate birth, Candide is raised in comfort and is part of this wealthy household; as a result, Candide is young, gullible, and an open book. He is transparent in motive and openly trusts everyone he encounters. In turn, he is easy to manipulate and take advantage of. In the first chapter, the reader is introduced to the central tenet of Candide’s optimism, that he lives in the “best of all possible worlds” (4), which comes from the household tutor, Maître Pangloss.

This worldview appears logical to Candide while he is sheltered and cared for, and when good things happen. Living in the castle, it seems apparent to Candide that all is ordered perfectly in the world, and it is natural to accept Pangloss’ backwards logic that “everything is made to serve an end” and thus “everything is necessarily for the best of ends” (4). This philosophy is the heart of Voltaire’s critique of optimism, which in the 18th century signified a philosophical position that tried to explain that the world exists perfectly because God is completely in control of it, and God is both good and perfect (including human suffering, war, treachery, etc.). It is a theme that Candide returns to throughout the text.

As becomes evident in the first pages, Maître Pangloss is far more worldly than Candide, despite his optimistic philosophies. In the first pages, Cunégonde witnesses Pangloss seducing Paquette with “a lesson in experimental physics” (4), which reveals to the reader his affinity for intellectual language that conveniently masks his indulgence in immoral, physical pleasures. The result of this “lesson” leads to Cunégonde’s sexual curiosity and Candide’s expulsion from the castle. This moment is typical of Voltaire’s humor, which makes light of everyday hypocrisy in people whose actions do not match their words. This humor is dark, however, as it reveals the sometimes violent and devastating result of that hypocrisy in the same moment.

Candide’s expulsion from the castle, his “earthly paradise” (5), is a deliberate allusion to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Like Adam, he is tempted by a woman (Cunégonde), and he is cast out into the world for this “sin” of curiosity and desire and ends up in hell. Immediately, Candide is conscripted against his will into the military and sent to fight in a war. Through the horrors Candide witnesses on the battlefield and nearby villages, Voltaire reveals the hypocrisy and disregard for life that drives the patriotic wars in Europe, where “muskets removed from the best of possible worlds nine and ten thousand scoundrels who were infesting its surface” (7). The waste of human life is filtered to the reader through Candide’s philosophical worldview so the “heroic butchery” (8) becomes even more plain.

Eventually, Candide escapes the war and arrives in Holland, believing he will find help in a community of Christians. Voltaire skewers the hypocrisy of Christians here, who preach about charity but reject a man in need (and dumping a bed pan on him as well). However, Voltaire’s critique of Christians is not all encompassing, as Candide encounters good Christians as well. When he is taken in by an honest Anabaptist, this charitable act once again allows Candide to fall back on Pangloss’ philosophy. Candide’s happiness is short lived, however, for when he is reunited with Pangloss, now ravaged by syphilis, he learns of the destruction of their castle and the death of Cunégonde and her entire family. Candide is devastated, but Pangloss tactlessly assures him it is all for the best, and these horrors are necessary for the greater good.

This rhythm continues, where Candide must reconcile the worst of human existence—from murder, rape, mutilation and slavery, to cheating, extortion, and thievery—with a philosophy that insists it is all part of a divine plan for the greater good. These experiences escalate with the shipwreck that kills the Anabaptist and crew, and the Lisbon earthquake, where millions die, a city is destroyed, and scavengers descend on the survivors to profit from the chaos. The absurdity of Pangloss’ philosophy and need to rationalize tragedy is evident, as his student Candide lays injured in the earthquake and passes out from the pain, while the tutor continues to expound upon the nature of earthquakes rather than help.

In these first chapters, Voltaire sets the protagonist on his path of discovery and philosophic curiosity. After his lessons at the castle, the lessons of real life and experiment in the real world begin. The more Candide discovers of the real world outside of his castle, the more his optimistic worldview is challenged, revealing the absurdity of Candide’s inability to abandon his initial lessons. His brief reunion with Pangloss further solidifies this perspective, but even Pangloss is confronted with contradiction when they are arrested by the Inquisition for rejecting the idea of free will in favor of predetermination, setting Candide up for another encounter with religious hypocrisy.