48 pages 1 hour read

Beatriz Williams

Husbands & Lovers

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 12-18Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary: “Mallory. August 2008. Winthrop Island, New York”

Mallory awakens to find Monk asleep beside her, and they hear Chippy and Blue thundering toward her bedroom. Monk hides under the bed until they go. He is ready to tell the world that he and Mallory are a couple, but she thinks that it’d be tacky since she’s the nanny. They go to the beach and make love. Neither has a condom, but Mallory is certain that she won’t get pregnant because her period just ended. Monk kisses her on the walk back, and the kids and Becca see it. Blue reports that Becca called Mallory a “bitch.” That night, on their way to Mo’s, Monk introduces Mallory to his aunt Barbara, his mother’s sister and the woman who raised him. Barbara asks if Mallory is Monk’s “muse,” and he confirms it. Before taking the stage, Monk tells Mallory that he loves her. Barbara says that Monk’s mom has been in rehab several times and describes his dad as a serial philanderer. Mallory recognizes her ex, Dillon, across the room. She broke up with him two days after she and Monk kissed, and when he asked if there was someone else, she told him about Monk. He and Mallory chat for a moment before Monk appears.