110 pages 3 hours read

Livia Bitton-Jackson

I Have Lived a Thousand Years

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapters 21-25Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary: Hitler is Not Dead – Plaszow, July 20 - Auschwitz, August 8, 1944

Inmates are shocked to see the swastika flying at half-mast. Rumors fly that Hitler is dead, that the Russians are “rapidly advancing,” that “[t]hings are converging toward an end” (103). The camp is evacuated. A caravan of trucks conveys inmates to the Krakow train station. Bitton-Jackson reflects on the changes she has undergone since her arrival seven-and-a-half weeks earlier. She has seen death and torture, felt close to death herself, eaten worm-infested food, grown thin and covered with sun blisters. At the station, a kapo orders one hundred people per train wagon. The heat overwhelms Laura, but there is no room to sit. As the “heat and stench” increase, it becomes difficult to breathe (104).


They wait on the train for hours, and a kapo orders thirty more passengers per wagon. Polish inmates, “old timers,” tell of incidents when passengers suffocated before arriving at their destination. Laura faints, along with others. The train begins to move during the night. The forward motion “inspires confidence” (105). They travel all day and night. The air becomes cooler, leading Bitton-Jackson to conclude they are moving north. Her mother revives. On morning of the third day, the train stops. “Men in striped uniforms” drag the inmates off the train “like rag dolls” (106). As Bitton-Jackson staggers off the train, she sees a sign: “Auschwitz.” It turns out “Hitler is not dead, after all” (106).

Chapter 22 Summary: Tattoo – Auschwitz, August 8, 1944

Laura has lost her will to live. She staggers along as the inmates get “into marching formation” (107). Seemingly “unable to grasp the mechanics of survival,” she wants to stay behind with the inmates who cannot walk (107). Bitton-Jackson shakes her mother and tells her to walk. She pulls and drags her, “a puppet on a string” (107). An SS officer on a motorcycle surveys the marching inmates, pulling out women deemed too weak to work. The officer asks Bitton-Jackson’s mother if she can work. She does not respond, and he reaches out an arm to grab her. Bitton-Jackson whispers to her mother to answer yes, “for God’s sake!” (108). Her mother tells the SS officer she will work, if she must. He pauses then moves on.


When the inmates reach the camp, they are given slips of paper with numbers on them. They stand in long lines to have their numbers tattooed on their arms. During Zählappell, it begins pouring rain. The inmates tip their heads back to take in the “[w]et, cold, wonderful raindrops!” (109). Watching the water drench her mother, Bitton-Jackson thinks, “How beautiful she is” (109). She says she is no longer “anonymous”: Her new “name” is A-17360 (109).

Chapter 23 Summary: The Broken Bed – Auschwitz, August 8, 1944

The inmates are taken to cell blocks. Bitton-Jackson wonders if Celia, Hindi, and Suri are still in the camp and if they will meet again. Their blocks are “huge, elongated, brick buildings” with “endless rows of bunk beds” four tiers high (110). The place is suffused with a “dank, dark dread” (110). The beds are wooden planks that form even squares, with 12 women per square. Bitton-Jackson and Laura get into their bunk. Bitton-Jackson hears a loud crack and notices a cracked plank in the bed above them. The other women on their square move aside, but Laura stays where she is, “indifferent” (110). Bitton-Jackson is terrified the plank will collapse on her mother. When she asks the women above them to move, they laugh and ignore her. They are focused on the food distribution underway. Bitton-Jackson asks for help from the Blockälteste, who is furious at being interrupted (111). She slaps Bitton-Jackson, calls her “a stupid little dog,” and orders her to return to her place (111). Bitton-Jackson obeys, hoping the adults know more than she does.


She raises her mother into a sitting position and helps her eat. With a “sudden loud bang,” the bunk “comes crashing down,” pinning Bitton-Jackson to the bed (112). She manages to free herself and sees her mother is also pinned in an awkward position. The other women are too hysterical to respond to Bitton-Jackson’s frantic pleas to move so she can free her mother. Mrs. Grünwald and her daughter Ilse, neighbors from home, help Bitton-Jackson free her mother, who is limp and lifeless. Their doctor from home, Juliska Tauber, pricks Laura in several places. She is unresponsive. Dr. Tauber says Laura’s spinal column is likely broken, and Bitton-Jackson must prepare herself for her mother’s death. Bitton-Jackson thinks, “I will not live” if her mother dies (113).

Chapter 24 Summary: Is It True About the Smoke? – Auschwitz, August 1944

Bitton-Jackson watches over her mother through the night. She is alive but unresponsive. In the morning, the Blockälteste says Laura must be taken to the Revier, the infirmary where sick inmates can stay for up to a month. Bitton-Jackson is not permitted to visit her mother, but she receives updates from Dr. Tauber. Eventually, Bitton-Jackson learns where her mother is located inside the building. She loosens a knot in the wall to create a small hole through which they can communicate. Her mother is slowly getting better.


One morning, an SS guard discovers Bitton-Jackson and marches her back to the command barrack. She fears she will be executed, but she is instead punished. She is ordered “to kneel” on the gravel in front of the command barrack for 24 hours without food or drink” (116). She faces the fence that overlooks “a road flanked on the far end by barbed wire” (116). Beyond the fence are “endless rows of cell blocks identical to the ones” in her camp (116). It is her first realization of Auschwitz’s scope. The road is endlessly busy. SS guards march prisoners in striped uniforms. They move as if “animated by a magnet pulling them in one direction” (117). A marching column of new arrivals—men, women, and children—wearing civilian clothing appears. They move like “people moved by a force within” (117). A small boy drops his toy clown, and it remains on the roadside long after the dust from the column of civilians has settled.


Bitton-Jackson reflects on the “lifetime” that has passed since she arrived and wonders what became of the children from her transport. She wonders where the marching civilians are going. From her kneeling position, she sees smoke rising in the distance. Older inmates have told her their camp is next to the crematorium and that “the smoke smarting our eyes, our throats, our lungs is the smoke of burning bodies” (118). She wonders if it is true. As the sun beats down “with relentless fury,” she begs God for mercy (118).

Chapter 25 Summary: The Selection – Auschwitz, August 1944

Bitton-Jackson learns from Dr. Tauber that the SS have scheduled a selection for the following morning. All patients who have been in the Revier for three weeks or longer and are not yet ready to work will be sent to the gas chamber. Her mother cannot stand unsupported for longer than a few minutes. If Bitton-Jackson wants to save her, she must get her out immediately. If she is caught taking her mother out, she will be sent to the gas chamber.


Bitton-Jackson asks Mrs. Grünwald if she will help, adding, “I’m asking you to risk your life” (119). Without hesitating, Mrs. Grünwald agrees to help. Ilse also volunteers. Needing one more person, Bitton-Jackson asks Yitu Singer, her rabbi’s daughter, who agrees. At dawn, the four women walk to the infirmary. Inmates are not allowed to walk unattended. They pray silently, “God help us” (120). At the infirmary, four nurses spirit Laura out, and the four women alternate carrying her back. They make it to the block undetected, “Thank God” (120). They prop Laura up for Zählappell long enough to get through the SS guards’ count. They cannot allow the Blockälteste to see that Laura is still ill. Harboring an invalid is considered sabotage. They hide Laura in the bunk, but Bitton-Jackson wonders how they will maintain the ruse. Suddenly, a commotion breaks out as news of another selection spreads through the block. At dawn, the SS will select women for work in German factories. Bitton-Jackson wonders how her mother can possibly pass selection. She has smuggled her out of the infirmary to save her from the gas chamber, and now, “Oh my God. What have I done?” (121).

Chapters 21-25 Analysis

Events of the war continue to progress beyond inmates’ knowledge. The Warsaw Uprising, a major operation carried out by the Polish resistance, began on August 1, 1944. For the inmates, the only indication of unrest is the swastika flying at half-mast, leading to rumors about the cause. The end may be near, but they are still prisoners. Plaszow is evacuated, and Bitton-Jackson and her fellow inmates are sent back to Auschwitz.


Deprived of food, water, and air on the trip, Laura arrives at Auschwitz having lost the will to live. She wants to stay behind with incapacitated inmates, “indifferent to the implications of this” (107). Inmates who cannot work are sent to the gas chambers. Bitton-Jackson depends on her mother for survival. She cannot allow Laura to give up. She entreats her to march on and, when the guards assign them to their block, helps her eat, but Laura is gravely injured after adults ignore Bitton-Jackson’s pleas for help. She is a child, but she cannot depend on the adults around her.


New prisoners continue to arrive. They are recognizable as new arrivals not only by their clothes and hair but also by the way they carry themselves: like individuals motivated from within. Bitton-Jackson contrasts this with the inmates, who move at the command and will of their guards. The new arrivals have a sense of agency and identity, unlike the inmates whose singular purpose is survival. Bitton-Jackson also points to the arbitrary nature of survival. Earlier in the book, she and her family created a plan to further their chances of survival, but the guards’ decision to transport Laura and her daughter to a labor camp upset that plan. In Chapter 25, Bitton-Jackson rescues her mother from one selection only to discover she will face another unforeseen one in the morning.