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Andrea arrives at the Lowells’ blueberry field on the day that the family holds their annual party. Her father has been hired to cater the event and will be bringing his taco truck. Andrea has talked her friend Matty into attending the party with her, and she hopes that the other guests will think that he is her date. She is critical of the Lowells because of their wealth and privilege, and she openly denigrates them to Matty. Andrea and the Lowells’ daughter, Parker, have both been accepted into Stanford, but the girls are not friends, and when Andrea’s father told the Lowells about her acceptance, they did not suggest arranging a meeting between the two girls.
At Stanford, Andrea never encountered Parker although she thought about her often. Her parents have always had an obsession with the Lowells, and although their fixation bothers Andrea, she also spends more time than she would like in thinking about Parker Lowell. During her first year at Stanford, her mother reported that Mrs. Lowell left her husband for their landscaper, who is a woman. Andrea recalls shrugging and telling her mother that most people are not entirely straight, but her mother was still shocked.
Now, at the party, Andrea sees her father’s taco truck and notes that it has inspired a Mexican theme. The entire clearing where the festivities are to be held is filled with Mexican decorations. Almost immediately, she sees Parker, who runs up to give her a hug. Andrea presents her invitation to the party as proof that she is allowed to be there, but Parker just looks at her awkwardly. Andrea introduces Matty and then has visions of forcing Parker to eat tacos in “class-conscious misery” (183). However, Parker tells Andrea that she loves the tacos that Andrea’s father makes, and Andrea feels a twinge of disappointment. Parker continues to make easy conversation, noting how strange it is that the two do not see each other very often at Stanford. Parker also tells Matty that her father keeps her up to date on news of Andrea, and that Andrea is “really smart.” Andrea wonders if Parker is mocking her, but Parker does not seem malicious. On the one occasion when the girls ran into each other at a school party, Parker was kind enough to introduce Andrea to her friend as an “old friend,” explaining to everyone that their fathers worked together. At the time, Andrea was upset by that characterization; in her estimation, Parker’s father employs her father, and the two men are not friends. She recalls acutely feeling the class difference between her and Parker and was irritated that Parker did not seem to be aware of this social nuance.
After Parker excuses herself, Andrea talks to the widow whom Mr. Lowell began dating after his wife let him. Although their conversation is initially pleasant, Parker realizes that the woman is rather drunk. The woman begins to speak judgmentally about the Lowell family and even sharing inappropriate gossip about Parker’s recent suicide attempt. In the face of so much scorn toward the Lowells, Andrea speaks up on their behalf, and the woman, perhaps realizing her faux pas, makes her exit.
Still angry, Andrea makes her way toward Parker and Matty, who are talking and eating guacamole. She can tell from the way that Matty looks at Parker that he is interested in her. Andrea tells Parker that she just met her stepmother, and Parker warily tells her that the woman is not actually married to her father. Andrea then relates the woman’s gossip about Parker’s suicide attempt and evinces pity. Upset, Parker asks why Andrea is at the party. She is aware that Andrea hates her and does not understand why she would attend the event. As the two continue their half-stumbling argument, Andrea reveals that Matty called Parker “easy.” Suddenly, Andrea’s father joins the trio. He is confused because Andrea had not planned to come to the Lowells’ party, and Andrea is suddenly worried that Parker will have her father fired. She hastily tries to explain this to Parker. Offended, Parker replies that she likes Andrea’s father. Matty suggests that they leave. Andrea walks alone to the edge of the party and begins to pick blueberries. Initially full of regret and ashamed of her behavior, she eventually loses herself in her task.
“Jubilee” further highlights The Effects of Class on the Coming-of-Age Journey and showcases the sometimes-problematic interplay between Mexican American and Anglo populations in the Southwest. Andrea, a young Mexican American woman whose father has long been employed by a wealthy white family, grows up with an acute awareness of the politics of class as they intersect with race and ethnicity. Although her parents are somewhat in awe of their affluent employers, Andrea resents the inequality in this relationship; the Lowells, who hire others to work their land instead of doing so themselves, reap the majority of their farm’s profits just because they own the property. Their wealth increases as the years pass, while her parents continue to work hard but do not improve their own economic position. This awareness has created a deep-set resentment in Andrea, and these long-repressed emotions cause her to mistreat the Lowell’s daughter, Parker, even though all of the evidence provided in the story suggests that Parker is a kind person who feels an affinity for Andrea despite Andrea’s obvious dislike for her.
The intersection between class and ethnicity is further explored through Andrea worries that she only got into Stanford because of her class and ethnic background; thus, while students like Parker move through the world with ease, she is keenly aware that she is “forever checking ethnicity boxes” (195). This story is another example from the collection of imperfect protagonists whose problematic behavioral patterns in the moment are rooted in factors beyond their control. Just as Nemecia misbehaves because of her unprocessed childhood trauma, Andrea treats the Lowells with hostility because she resents their unearned privilege. However, despite the moral ambiguity of Andrea’s behavior, the narrative does not condemn her. Rather, it portrays her emotional shifts with a tone of compassion and seeks to show the complex forms of damage that social inequality can cause.
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