55 pages 1 hour read

Meagan Brandy

Say You Swear (Boys of Avix, #1)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 11-20Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

A few weeks later, Arianna and her friends start college at Avix. She and Cameron are living together. One night, Cameron nags Arianna to hang out with their group. Arianna has been avoiding her friends since the incident with Chase at the beach house and making excuses to get out of their meetups. Annoyed with Arianna, Cameron confronts her about being upset over nothing. Arianna gets upset and admits that Chase hurt her and that she’s been trying to hide her feelings. Cameron is worried about Arianna’s well-being and encourages her to try getting out of the dorm. Finally, Arianna agrees to attend the boys’ first college football game with Cameron.

The boys win the game, and Arianna and Cameron congratulate them afterward. Arianna tries acting normal around Chase. However, she feels uncomfortable and declines their invitation to go out and celebrate. Lying in bed afterward, she promises herself that she’ll let the Chase situation go and start spending more time with her friends.

Chapter 12 Summary

The following weekend, Arianna and Cameron go to the student bar just off campus. Arianna gets caught up in the