55 pages 1 hour read

Meagan Brandy

Say You Swear (Boys of Avix, #1)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 21-30Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary

Arianna doesn’t see many of her friends during midterms. Then, one day, she and Cameron decide to go out with the boys. When Arianna sees Chase, she momentarily freezes but finds herself hugging him anyway. She tears up remembering their night together. Chase starts talking intimately to her, but then Arianna sees Noah with Paige in her periphery. She still isn’t sure what their dynamic is and wants to get away from Chase. Noah interrupts and tells her that he’s taking Paige home but only came to the party to see her. She came for the same reasons and agrees to drive Paige home with him.

Afterward, Noah takes Arianna on a drive to Sunset Cliffs, one of his favorite places to be alone. The view moves Arianna. They sit on the cliffside, study the night sky, and talk about their families, friends, and futures. Finally, Arianna admits that the reason she agreed to come to Avix with her friends was because she didn’t care where she went to school. The only thing she wants to be is a mom. She admits that her dream is silly in comparison to Noah’s aspirations, but he takes what she’s saying seriously and tells her that motherhood is what his mom wanted, too.