44 pages 1 hour read

Ann Nolan Clark

Secret of the Andes

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1952

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Chapters 13-17Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “Cuzco Trail”

Cusi continues his journey toward Cuzco, guided by Misti and his llamas. At a fork in the road, Misti leads Cusi down an unfamiliar path, which soon reveals a paved trail. As they near a large gate, Cusi is welcomed by a guard who tells him he is expected. His llamas are led away, and a young boy escorts Cusi to a towering stone building. Inside, Cusi encounters an old man resembling Chuto and a woman who serves him food and calls him “son.” The old man explains that the families who receive Chuto’s llamas pass through this place, which is called an ayllu.

The next morning, after hearing the familiar Sunrise Call, Cusi offers five of his llamas as a gift to the ayllu. Continuing his journey, he reaches the outskirts of Cuzco, where he marvels at the city’s temples but feels out of place among the unfamiliar people and customs. A Spanish guardsman prevents him from entering the city with his llamas, but a kind Indigenous American man assures him he will be welcomed in the morning.