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C. S. LewisA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Human nature, for Lewis, consists of three basic parts:
1. Cerebral man—spirit, intellect, mind, reason
2. Emotional man—the heart or chest
3. Visceral man—the body or stomach—the animal passions
Lewis asserts that the heart/chest is the most important aspect of human nature; it is the part that makes us truly and distinctly human. Without it, we would be only a brain (intellect) or a stomach (appetite). Human beings are neither pure spirit nor mere physical beings, but a combination of these elements. The emotions bring together and balance the spiritual-rational and the physical-animal parts of human nature.
As Lewis admits, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that emotion should be avoided, especially since propaganda consisting of cheap emotional appeals is so prevalent in modern society. The inoculation of the human soul against legitimate emotion—what Lewis would call ordinate sentiment—is a mistake, because such feeling is necessary to a fully human life. Without it, we are reduced to base materialism and the animal passions of anger, lust, and survival instincts. Emotions help us make proper moral choices because we choose the things that we love or are attracted to. Moral training consists in being taught to love good things and despise bad things—to have the right feelings toward different things we encounter.
Lewis describes the emerging era of history as characterized by “Man’s conquest of himself” (75). In this new order, man considers himself not as a creature endowed with a soul, but merely as an object in nature. Lewis finds the root of this tendency in early-modern thinkers like Francis Bacon, who believed that the true object of knowledge is “to extend Man’s power to the performance of all things possible” (78). This increase in the power of man leads to a tendency to “understand a thing analytically and then dominate and use it for our own convenience” (69). For example, early scientists dug up dead bodies to mutilate them for experiments and performed experiments on live animals. These scientists had to overcome a natural human revulsion to such actions. To Lewis, the more desensitized we become to these sorts of actions, the less human we become.
In the coming social order, Lewis predicts, human beings will be led by an elite group of leaders who have divested themselves of true humanity. Because they have denied the Tao, or the source of all humane and moral values, they have become less human. As Lewis puts it, “stepping outside the Tao, the have stepped into the void” (64). They, and not the Tao, will be the source and the arbiters of moral value.
In the final pages of the book, Lewis discusses “seeing through things” (81), a main tendency of the modern approach to reason. To “see through things” is to analyze and debunk them, to constantly question motives, and to reduce reality to the lowest common denominator. Thinkers in the modern vein do not use the rational process to arrive at knowledge of truth. Instead, they fixate on pleasure and power. As Lewis states, “To ‘see through’ all things is the same as not to see” (81) and reason is now used to deconstruct truth instead of to discover it.
The new social order based on this ethos will be irrational because it will exclude values like “truth and mercy and beauty” (68) that human beings need. Animal instinct and the passions of the visceral part of man will trump the superior values of morality and virtue, which are derived from the rational rules of the Tao.
Lewis declares that the motivation of modern man to dominate nature reflects a desire to dominate other human beings. As he puts it, “the power of Man to make himself what he pleases means, as we have seen, the power of some men to make other men what they please” (59). In the new order, society will be ruled by a small class of people, who are in turn slaves to their irrational impulses. These leaders of society will have discarded the Tao and the moral stability the Tao provides, so they will have no basis on which to live by “benevolent” feelings and values.
According to Lewis, modern man’s aim to dominate nature has backfired. Nature has come to dominate over man because we have denied or debunked those things that make us distinctively human—things like “truth and mercy and beauty and happiness” (68)—in favor of satisfying our material needs and wants. Moral values are discarded when they conflict with the goal of preserving the human species; natural instinct trumps morality. Lewis cites contraception, used to prevent undesired births, as a form of tyranny; with the use of contraception, the present generation is able to guard against future generations. By controlling the population and making our lives more convenient, we deny existence to future human beings. Lewis believes that eugenics will play an important role in the future society as a means of controlling and molding the human race (57).
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