47 pages 1 hour read

Danielle L. Jensen

The Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom, #1)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 33-41 and Bonus ChaptersChapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary: “Lara”

Now sequestered in her room, Lara despairs, wondering how to destroy the evidence of her previous invasion plans before Aren finds out about them. She looks for Aren in his room. When she finds the room empty, she stages a scene as if his pet, Vitex, has ruined all the papers with ink. However, she miscounts the papers and believes that all of them are accounted for. Instinct tells her to go outside, where she finds Aren in the storm. He forgives her for her treachery and offers to let her go wherever she chooses in order to make her happy. He tells her that he trusts her. They return to his room and have sex, and as he sleeps, Lara whispers that she loves him.

Chapter 34 Summary: “Lara”

The storm carries on for days, and Aren and Lara spend time together and trade stories. When Aren asks about her sisters, she tells him that they are “dead” for their own safety. She also admits to killing the Amaridians on Serrith Island. She offers to fake her own death in order to uncomplicate his life, but Aren swears to protect her instead.