49 pages • 1 hour read
Margaret AtwoodA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
A financial crisis has turned most of Northeastern America into a decaying wasteland. There are no job opportunities because businesses have moved west, and the people left behind resort to looting, crime, and violence to get by. Stan and Charmaine are a young married couple living out of their car—the only barrier between them and the dangers outside. Stan had previously worked in quality control for Dimple Robotics, while Charmaine had worked at Ruby Slippers Retirement home, but they lost their jobs and their home after the financial crash. Charmaine has managed to find a job in one of the few remaining bars, but they still struggle to afford gas and their next meal on her small paychecks. Stan cannot find work and feels like a failure.
Desperate for work and money, Stan goes in search of his criminal brother, Conor, whom he has not spoken to in years. Conor is living in a guarded compound and gives Stan $200, a prepaid phone, and offers him a job. Stan declines the job, unsure of what it would entail. As he leaves, a sleek black car with tinted windows pulls into the compound.
Charmaine works her afternoon shift at the bar. As usual it is not very busy, and she spends much of her shift chatting with Sandi and Veronica, two former college who are now sex workers at the bar. They suggest that Charmaine could work with them, and while the thought excites her for a moment, she refuses their offer. Later, a commercial encouraging people to sign up for the Positron Project in the town of Consilience comes on the TV. A man in a suit promises jobs, a picturesque home, and safety in a community that resembles what life used to be like. Charmaine is immediately convinced and cannot wait to tell Stan. Sandi and Veronica are intrigued, but suspect that there will be a catch.
Stan and Charmaine, along with Sandi, Veronica, and a number of other hopefuls, take a bus to Consilience to see if they are eligible to join. On arrival, the town is heavily guarded and completely walled in by dark glass. It appears as picturesque as promised, and they spend the evening eating and drinking at the town’s only hotel. Throughout the night, the group they arrived with thins out, but Stan and Charmaine appear to have made the cut. They receive a fancy dinner and spend the night in a luxurious hotel room. Charmaine is thrilled and ready to sign up.
The next day they are shown videos of people happily at work in Consilience. For the first time, they see footage of Positron Prison, which is inside Consilience. They are then forced to spend one night back outside of Consilience to make sure they want to sign up, because once they do, there is no going back: They will never be able to leave and will lose all contact with the outside world. Charmaine has already made her mind up, but the night in a dingy, worn-down motel room solidifies things further. Conor shows up in the middle of the night to warn Stan not to join because he has heard things about what actually goes on in Consilience. Stan ignores him and they sign up the next day.
After signing up, the men and women are separated for workshops because they have different roles in Consilience. A man named Ed explains the full details of the Positron Project. It is conceived as a single solution to the nation's rising unemployment and crime. By creating a medium-sized town around a large prison, the two parts will sustain one another: Everyone is either a prisoner or employed supporting the prison in some capacity. However, because it is unrealistic to expect criminality from half of the population, the fairest solution is for everyone to take turns: one month in prison, then one month out. For this reason, everyone in Consilience is assigned an Alternate—someone whom they will never meet and are prohibited from communicating with, but with whom they will share a household. When they are in prison, their Alternate will be in the house, and vice versa. Everyone is also assigned a job both inside the prison and outside, and paid in posidollars every month. Their choices in television and music will also be limited to what is on the Consilience Network, which does not play things like hip-hop, rock, pornography, or anything else that could cause over- excitement.
After a few content months in Consilience, on switchover day, Stan’s Alternate comes into the house before Charmaine has left. He kisses Charmaine and the two start having an affair. To avoid using real names, Charmaine calls him “Max,” while he calls her “Jasmine.” Charmaine is initially surprised that she has the capacity to carry out an illicit affair, and in how much she enjoys their forbidden, passionate sex. Her desire for Max feels primal and irresistible, whereas, while she loves Stan, it is safe, sedate, and predictable. Soon, her next meetup with Max is all she can think about, and she breaks their rules by leaving Max a note under their fridge.
Stan finds this note and assumes it must have been written by Charmaine’s Alternate, as it is signed by a woman named Jasmine. Stan feels that sex with Charmaine is mundane and too controlled. He becomes obsessed with the idea of Jasmine’s sexuality and believes that she is everything Charmaine is not—he even starts to plan ways he could run into her. Charmaine notices a difference in Stan’s behavior and concludes he must have found the note. She resolves to stop seeing Max but grants herself a few more meetups first.
The nascent apocalyptic environment that Stan and Charmaine navigate at the start of the novel establishes the text’s thematic interest in wealth inequality, in particular The Pitfalls of Capitalism. They end up living in their car despite the fact they “weren’t big spenders,” had decent, seemingly stable jobs, and were hardworking (22). They wear clothes they barely wash, eat food they scrounge from dumpsters, and spend most of their hours seeking employment in a job market that has long since vanished. At night, they live in constant fear of violence from people more desperate than they are as they struggle to sleep in the cramped space of their small car. All this reflects real-world anxieties about economic precarity, an increasing wealth gap, access to home ownership, and how poor, working-class, and middle-class people are powerless to do anything about it.
This is evident not only in the lack of options Stan and Charmaine have (there are no jobs for Stan to apply to and they cannot afford to travel west where most businesses moved), but also in the financial crash that changes their lives overnight. While the exact reasons for the crash appear unknown, it is some combination of “gigantic Ponzi schemes” and that “[s]omeone had lied, someone had cheated, someone had shorted the market, someone had inflated the currency” (23). From Stan’s and Charmaine’s perspective, it does not matter why—their entire lives have been upended because of decisions that other people made.
The idea of an intrinsically linked town and prison invokes the concept of the prison-industrial complex: a phrase used to describe how the ever-increasing expansion of the prison population is used to support sectors of the economy. This is achieved through the jobs created by building and maintaining the prison, but also by exploiting the inmates as a source of labor so cheap it would be illegal under any other circumstances. This system is propped up by a justice system in which innocent people charged with a crime plead guilty because it is both cheaper and safer since it leads to reduced sentences. In this way, with Consilience and Positron, Margaret Atwood takes these ideas to their extreme logical conclusion and depicts a prison-based society that is economically self-sufficient and completely detached from crime and guilt.
The introduction of Consilience and the Positron Project also brings with it questions about safety and The Illusion of Free Will. Initially, Stan and Charmaine are more than happy to sign up for the project despite having to spend every other month in the prison. It means exchanging their cramped Honda for a three-bedroom house, but most importantly, getting off the dangerous streets and knowing from where they will get their next meal. The fact that they get to “choose” to enter Consilience also sets The Heart Goes Last apart from many other dystopian stories such as George Orwell’s 1984 (1984), Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), and even Atwood’s other speculative fiction. While it superficially begs the question of how much freedom should people be willing to give up for security, the text is more concerned with how this decision intersects with the notion of free will. Having already foregrounded the degree to which Stan and Charmaine have been victims of structural forces much larger than they are, the “choice” to join the Positron Project is actually no choice at all, because the alternative is an inevitable death from violence, starvation, or succumbing to the elements.
The opening chapters spend a lot of time establishing the tensions that exist in Stan and Charmaine’s relationship, including The Tension Between Love and Passion. The stress of living precariously and the cramped quarters of their car exacerbate differences in their personalities. Rather than balancing out Stan’s realistic pessimism, Charmaine’s relentless positivity simply gets on his nerves. The disconnect is evident in their sex life as well, as Charmaine is simply not that interested and avoids doing things like reassuringly touching Stan’s hand because he might get the wrong idea. While some of these issues stem from their tough circumstances, the cracks run deeper than that, and the use of free indirect speech allows Atwood to explore this by jumping between the two characters’ inner thoughts and feelings.
When Veronica and Sandi suggest that Charmaine could start working with them, she instinctively rejects their offer. However, the idea of sex work excites her because it represents such a stark departure from the life she lives. This desire for a different life—and to be a different person—becomes a reality when she meets Max, who is so alluring to her precisely because he represents a blank slate. They use fake names and deliberately avoid talking about their lives, meaning Charmaine can create an entirely new version of herself that exists in her brief and infrequent moments with Max. As Jasmine, she feels liberated to do and say things she cannot with Stan. Ironically, when Stan discovers the existence of Jasmine, he becomes obsessed because she exudes an overt sexuality that he desires but does not get from Charmaine. What emerges from this is that their main reason for being unhappy and sexually dissatisfied has less to do with physical chemistry than that they both rigidly adhere to the prescribed roles they have ascribed to one another.
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