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When the Witch announces herself as “Empress,” the crowd cheers. She bows but then realizes that the crowd is mocking her. She takes a knife and cuts through the iron bar of the nearby lamppost, demonstrating her strength. Using this bar, she hits two policemen, who crumple to the ground.
Digory thinks that this is his chance and rushes forward. Polly is suddenly beside him, having rushed down from her bedroom as soon as she could. Digory tells her to prepare to touch the yellow ring and keep hold of him. Digory lunges forward as the Witch hits another policeman. The crowd shouts and begins throwing stones, making the Witch angrier. The Cabby stays close to his horse, trying to calm it. Uncle Andrew vainly tells the Witch to compose herself. Digory grasps the Witch’s ankle, but she kicks him in the mouth. He grabs hold of her again and tells Polly to touch the ring. As they whirl through the darkness, Digory hears Uncle Andrew whimpering and realizes that he has accidentally transported his uncle, the horse, and the Cabby.
As soon as the Witch realizes that they are in the Wood between the Worlds, she looks ill. The horse, called Strawberry, immediately calms down and walks to the nearest pool to drink. Digory is still holding onto Polly and the Witch, who is mounted. The Cabby holds onto his horse, and a frightened Uncle Andrew grabs the Cabby’s free hand. Polly and Digory look at each other and switch to their green rings.
They are submerged in darkness for a while and Digory wonders if they accidentally returned to Charn. The Witch says that they are not in her world but have entered “Nothing,” a world that doesn’t exist. The Cabby makes sure everyone is okay and tries to be cheery, telling them that even if they are dead, they have nothing to fear. He believes the best thing they can do is to sing a hymn and proceeds to do so. Digory and Polly sing along, but Digory is interrupted by Uncle Andrew, who tells Digory to slip on his ring so they can escape. The Witch overhears and threatens to punish Uncle Andrew for betraying her. Digory refuses anyway, unwilling to leave Polly, the Cabby, and the horse.
The Cabby tells everyone to listen as someone begins singing in the distance. The song comes from all directions, and while there is no recognizable melody, it is very beautiful. Multiple voices join in, and suddenly the sky is full of stars, constellations, and planets. Digory believes the voice summoned the stars. The voices of the stars fade, but the original voice keeps singing. A light begins to glow in the distance, and everyone can suddenly see each other and the valley they’re standing in.
The song affects everyone differently. Digory, Polly, and the Cabby all listen with shining eyes and open mouths. The horse neighs happily and seems rejuvenated. Uncle Andrew shakes and searches for a way to escape, while the Witch clenches her fists and grimaces. She realizes that this world is filled with different and stronger magic than her own and despises it.
A sun begins to rise behind the distant hills, and Digory thinks that it looks young and joyful. As the sun illuminates more of the valley, they can see the singer, a lion, only about 100 yards away. When the Witch sees the Lion, she says that this is a terrible place and they must go. Uncle Andrew agrees, saying that if he were younger and had a gun, he would shoot the Lion. The Cabby is incredulous and doesn’t believe the Lion could be shot.
Uncle Andrew tries to get away from the Witch, saying that he alone must be touching both children for the magic rings to work. The Witch realizes that the rings control the magic and tries to take them, but Digory grabs Polly and steps away, telling Andrew and the Witch that if they take a step closer, he and Polly will leave everyone. The Cabby tells them all to be quiet so he can listen to the song, which has changed.
The Lion paces as it sings. This song is gentler than the one that created the stars and sun; grass and trees begin to grow, progressing from sprouts to full-grown trees in a matter of seconds. While Digory watches this process, Uncle Andrew tries to steal the ring and the Witch yells at him. Uncle Andrew yells back, his temper overcoming his fear. He tells the Witch he would leave her if he could, saying that she has treated him horribly and ruined his reputation. The Cabby tells Uncle Andrew to watch and listen.
Polly begins to notice a correlation between the Lion’s song and the things happening around them. She believes that the flowers, trees, and other beautiful things appearing around them are coming from the Lion’s head, summoned by his song. The Lion paces closer. Polly is too excited to be afraid, but Digory and the Cabby are nervous. Uncle Andrew is terrified, but his legs are shaking too much for him to run. When the Lion is only 12 paces away, the Witch throws the iron bar of the lamppost at him, striking him squarely between the eyes. The iron bar bounces off and the Lion does not react at all. He keeps walking forward as if nothing has happened, his footfalls shaking the ground. The Witch shrieks and runs into the trees. Uncle Andrew turns to follow but trips, landing in a small stream.
The Lion comes so close that the children could touch his mane, but he doesn’t acknowledge any of them. Uncle Andrew again tries to convince Digory to leave, but Digory insists on staying to see what happens, reminding Uncle Andrew that he started this entire adventure. Uncle Andrew says that this world could be profitable if he only had a gun to kill the Lion. The Cabby decides to find his horse, which has wandered off. Digory tells Uncle Andrew that he doubts a gun could kill the Lion since the iron bar didn’t hurt him at all. Digory then notices that a lamppost is growing out of the ground where the iron bar landed.
Uncle Andrew begins thinking of the commercial possibilities of a land where he could bury old iron to “grow” railroads and battleships to sell back in England. He then thinks of marketing this new world as the land of youth. Digory remembers what Aunt Letty said about the fruit from the land of youth and decides to ask the Lion if anything in this world could heal his mother.
Polly follows Digory to where the Lion is standing. The song has changed again, and the earth around the Lion “bubbles” like boiling water. Patches of ground rise and burst, revealing different kinds of animals. Digory cannot take his eyes off of the Lion, who is now silent, walking among the animals. Strawberry, the Cabby’s horse, joins the roaming animals.
The Lion walks around, touching noses with two of each species of animal at a time, and those chosen animals follow him. The rest wander away as the chosen animals sit in a circle around the Lion. The Lion gazes at the animals, and as Digory and Polly watch, the small animals get slightly bigger than average, while the big animals get slightly smaller. The Lion opens his mouth and breathes on them. Finally, he speaks in a deep voice, proclaiming, “Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters” (129).
Though the children felt sure the Lion could speak, they are still shocked when he does. As he speaks, satyrs, fauns, dwarves, naiads, and other fairy creatures emerge from the trees and rivers. All the creatures respond, saying, “Hail, Aslan. We hear and obey. We are awake. We love. We think. We speak. We know” (130).
The Lion, Aslan, tells the creatures that he gives them to themselves, just as he gives them this land, the other creatures, and even himself. He tells them to treat the animals who can’t talk with kindness but not to return to their ways, or they themselves will cease to be “Talking Beasts.” All the beasts reply in unison, except for one jackdaw who speaks slightly behind the others. The animals try to repress their laughter, but Aslan tells them to laugh.
Aslan calls certain creatures to be part of his council because even though Narnia is only five hours old, there is already an evil force at work. Digory follows many paces behind, wanting to ask Aslan about his mother. Polly and the Cabby join him. The animals notice the humans and have no idea what they are, believing them to be a type of lettuce. The Cabby catches Strawberry’s attention and slowly reminds the horse of who he is. Strawberry tells the other animals that before Aslan woke him up, he lived a very different life in another world, but it all feels like “a dream” now. Strawberry agrees to let Digory ride him to Aslan while Polly and the Cabby follow on foot.
As Digory, Polly, and the Cabby walk toward Aslan, the rest of the animals investigate Uncle Andrew. Uncle Andrew has experienced the events very differently. He did not see the Lion choose two animals of each kind: He only saw dangerous, wild beasts walking freely around and wondered why they did not run from the giant lion. Because Aslan’s song made him think and feel things he did not want to think or feel, he convinced himself that the Lion was roaring. When the beasts began to speak, he likewise only heard snarling, barking, cawing, etc. When the animals laughed, it sounded like “bloodthirsty” howling to Uncle Andrew. When he saw Digory, Polly, and the Cabby walk into the midst of the animals, he the animals would devour them and the rings, leaving him stranded.
As the animals now turn to investigate him, Uncle Andrew believes they will kill him. He begins to run, but the animals easily catch him. A kindly bulldog asks Uncle Andrew if he is an animal, vegetable, or mineral, but Uncle Andrew only hears a snarl.
In Narnia, the characters see the beauty of creative magic for the first time via the series’ representation of the Christian God: Aslan. Much as God speaks the world into existence in Genesis, Aslan creates the world of Narnia through song. He then breathes intelligence and awareness into the animals he creates, giving them the ability to distinguish right from wrong and tasking them with responsibility for Narnia. This is another allusion to Genesis, where God breathes life into Adam and gives humanity “dominion” over Earth.
The life and creativity that spread from the Lion’s magic contrast with the destruction that spread from the Witch’s magic in Charn, illustrating the distinction between Creative Selflessness Versus Destructive Pride. Aslan frames all he does as a “gift.” His creation of Narnia and the Talking Beasts does not benefit him in any way; in fact, by giving the Talking Beasts free will, he enables them to act against him if they choose to (though he cautions them against it). It is an act of pure love and selflessness. By contrast, the Witch has no use for anyone who doesn’t obey her. As she says of those she killed: “They were all my people. What else were they there for but to do my will?” (58).
The distinction spills over into the atmosphere that surrounds each character. The Witch inspires fear and hatred, but Aslan, though firm and commanding, also has a sense of humor and encourages the Talking Beasts to enjoy themselves. The children and the Cabby are excited by Aslan’s song and its effects. When Polly and Digory have an opportunity to escape without the Witch, they stay to see what happens next. The horse calms down and confidently joins the other animals Aslan creates.
The only characters who do not respond positively to Aslan are those who lack the humility to acknowledge Aslan’s power. The Witch recognizes Aslan’s power but hates it because it threatens her own. She actively attacks the Lion and then flees, though she is prepared to do worse to ensure her own supremacy: “She would have smashed that whole world, or all worlds, to pieces, if it would only stop the singing” (111). By contrast, Uncle Andrew shakes uncontrollably and wishes he could shoot the Lion, whom he tries to persuade himself is “only a lion” (119). Aslan’s power threatens his quasi-materialist worldview, so he ignores it and consequently cannot appreciate the miraculous events unfolding around him. Instead, he begins scheming to use Narnia for his own commercial purposes.
Despite Narnia’s innocence and beauty, it is threatened from the beginning due to Digory’s prior actions. Because he gave in to temptation in the Hall of Images, the Witch escaped Charn. Digory also chose to transport her to this world, hoping but not knowing that it was Charn, as long as it would remove the Witch from London. He does not recognize the significance of what he has done even when Aslan alludes to the Witch’s presence; he remains absorbed in his personal concerns, wanting to speak with Aslan on his mother’s behalf. Nevertheless, he demonstrates his responsibility when he refuses to escape with Uncle Andrew if it means leaving Polly, the Cabby, and the horse behind. This contrasts with Uncle Andrew’s total failure to take responsibility for his actions. Having meddled with magic, Uncle Andrew finally experiences it firsthand and can’t bear it, but he blames everyone but himself for his situation: “It’s not fair. I never meant to be a Magician. It’s all a misunderstanding. It’s all my godmother’s fault” (89). Uncle Andrew’s continued selfishness suggests that he will have a hard road to redemption, if he finds it.
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