86 pages 2 hours read

James Howe

The Misfits

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Reading Check, Multiple Choice & Short Answer Quizzes

Reading Check questions are designed for in-class review on key plot points or for quick verbal or written assessments. Multiple Choice and Short Answer Quizzes create ideal summative assessments, and collectively function to convey a sense of the work’s tone and themes.

Chapters 1-4

Reading Check

1. What is the name of the town where Bobby lives?

2. What did Bobby and his friends originally call their weekly meeting at the Candy Kitchen?

Multiple Choice

1. Who is Mr. Kellerman?

A) Bobby’s father

B) Bobby’s boss

C) Skeezie’s boss

D) Skeezie’s father

2. Why does Addie get made fun of at school?

A) She wears a back brace.

B) She is slow and clumsy.

C) She cannot read very well.

D)  She is unusually smart and tall.

3. In Chapter 4, what question does Addie ask Mrs. Wyman about the nominating conventions?

A) She wants to know where Independents will meet.

B) She wants to know whether she will be allowed to run as a Republican.

C) She wants to know who will be in charge of each convention.

D) She wants to know how the voting will be kept secret.

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. What do Bobby and his friends all have in common?

2. What advice does Bobby give Addie about saying the Pledge of Allegiance?

3. What kind of clothing did Joe like to wear when he was a small child?

Chapters 5-8

Reading Check

1. What kind of document is Chapter 6?

2. In Chapter 8, whom does Addie end up arguing with in the school cafeteria?

Multiple Choice

1. What does Joe tease Bobby about in Chapter 5?

A) his haircut

B) his shoes

C) his tie

D) his collar

2. When Bobby thinks about his and his friends’ futures, whom does he imagine will someday want to move away from Paintbrush Falls?

A) Skeezie and Bobby

B) Bobby and Joe

C) Joe and Addie

D) Addie and Skeezie

3. Why is DuShawn insulted by Addie’s suggestion that he run for president as her new party’s candidate?

A) He thinks that the idea of a third party is silly.

B) He knows that she only offered because she has a crush on him.

C) He does not want to be associated with the school “misfits.”

D) He knows that she only chose him because of his race.

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. What does Pam tell Bobby about grouchy people?

2. In Chapter 6, what does Addie say she wants to create?

3. In Chapter 7, when Bobby is thinking about how his father never goes anywhere, what does he ask if his father would like to do?

Chapters 9-12

Reading Check

1. Why does Bobby think that Colin will not want to run for class secretary?

2. Who eventually agrees to run as the Freedom Party’s secretary?

Multiple Choice

1. When Bobby and his friends are at the Candy Kitchen in Chapter 10, what ethnic group does DuShawn use a derogatory term for?

A) Irish people

B) Chinese people

C) Mexican people

D) Pakistani people

2. What character is on the tie that Bobby and Mr. Kellerman argue about in Chapter 11?

A) Mickey Mouse

B) Daffy Duck

C) SpongeBob

D) Elmo

3. Who do both Joe and Addie have a crush on?

A) Colin

B) Skeezie

C) Bobby

D) DuShawn

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. How does a joke that DuShawn makes turn into an actual platform for Addie’s new political party?

2. What causes DuShawn to say that Bobby and his friends have it worse than DuShawn and his friends?

3. In Chapter 11, what does Bobby ask Kelsey, and what is her answer?

Chapters 13-16

Reading Check

1. What new name does Bobby suggest for their party in Chapter 14?

2. Who does Skeezie think might have a crush on Addie?

Multiple Choice

1. What does the school principal think is Addie’s reason for refusing to say the Pledge and forming her own political party?

A) He thinks she is trying to impress her teacher.

B) He thinks she wants to cause trouble for the school.

C) He thinks she is just looking for attention.

D) He thinks she hates America.

2. Why does Addie get angry at Skeezie in Chapter 15?

A) He makes a mean joke about her height.

B) He tells her that she should just say the Pledge of Allegiance.

C) He threatens to leave her political party.

D) He has told their friends about her crush.

3. Who leaves a note in Joe’s locker in Chapter 16?

A) Addie

B) Kelsey

C) DuShawn

D) Colin

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. In Chapter 13, what happens in the school hallway that gives Bobby an idea for what the purpose of the new political party should be?

2. What does Bobby plan to do with the list of mean names that he and his friends have been called?

3. How do the friends manage to put up their posters in secret?

Chapters 17-20

Reading Check

1. In Chapter 17, what does Addie tell her friends Ms. Wyman called her into her office to talk about?

2. What do Bobby and Addie notice when they arrive at school on Wednesday?

Multiple Choice

1. What was Bobby’s mother’s profession?

A) floral designer

B) real estate agent

C) actress

D) veterinarian

2. What changes the principal’s mind about the No-Name Party?

A) Bobby speaks up and explains it.

B) A parent calls to complain about bullying.

C) Addie stages a protest in the cafeteria.

D) The principal finds out that his daughter is being called names.

3. Why did Mr. Kellerman’s wife leave him?

A) She fell in love with someone she worked with.

B) She did not like spending so much time with his mother.

C) She was tired of him criticizing her for spending money.

D) She was offered a job in London, England.

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. What news does Bobby share with his friends at the Candy Kitchen in Chapter 17?

2. In Chapter 18, what does Bobby accuse his father of giving up on?

3. When his friends worry that their campaign posters might cause kids to call them names, what does Bobby point out to them?

Chapters 21-24

Reading Check

1. What action of Bobby’s in Chapter 22 shows that he is nervous about making the phone call to Kelsey?

2. When he tells Mr. Kellerman about the No-Name Party, what does Bobby learn about Mr. Kellerman?

Multiple Choice

1. In Chapter 21, what does Bobby try to discourage Addie from including in her campaign speech?

A) the lyrics from a popular song about bullying

B) criticisms of Ms. Wyman and Mr. Kiley

C) personal stories about times she has been bullied

D) information from historical documents

2. In Chapter 22, what does Bobby ask for Kelsey’s advice about?

A) how to talk to Mr. Kellerman

B) cooking

C) Addie’s campaign speech

D) an art project

3. In Chapter 23, what is Skeezie’s theory about why Kelsey barely talks to Bobby?

A) Bobby makes her feel shy, because she has a crush on him.

B) Bobby gets excited and talks too much when he is around Kelsey.

C) She likes Bobby as a friend, but she has a crush on Joe.

D) She gets teased by other kids when she talks to Bobby.

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. What does Pam tell Bobby people expect from you when you are beautiful?

2.  In Chapter 23, what does Joe compare Colin and Addie’s relationship to?

3.  In Chapter 24, what does Addie tell Bobby that she wants him to do?

Chapters 25-27

Reading Check

1. What nickname did Bobby get in the third grade?

2. Who drew the heart with Bobby’s initials in it?

Multiple Choice

1. Right before the assembly, what surprising thing does Ms. Wyman tell Addie?

A) Mr. Kiley has changed his mind about the No-Name Party.

B)  It is fine if Addie wants Bobby to deliver her speech.

C) Ms. Wyman admires Addie’s spirit.

D) Addie’s parents are in the audience for the assembly.

2. What does Bobby tell the assembled students the No-Name Party will start at their school?

A) a No-Name charity drive

B) No-Name Party sports teams

C) No-Name lunch tables

D) a No-Name Day

3. What does Kelsey ask Bobby once his speech is over?

A) when is the next time his friends will be at the Candy Kitchen

B) whether he will go with her to the dance

C) whether he would like her help with his art project

D) whether she can join the No-Name Party

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. What does Bobby’s dad tell him is “what being a dad is all about” (Chapter 25)?

2. In his speech, what does Bobby say makes his friends the bravest people he knows?

3. How does Bobby’s father react to the campaign speech that Bobby gives?

Chapters 28-30

Reading Check

1. Which party wins the student council elections?

2. Which member of the “Gang of Five” becomes a writer later in life?

Multiple Choice

1. In Chapter 28, who invites Addie to the dance?

A) Joe

B) Colin

C) DuShawn

D) Skeezie

2. What is the Forum topic that Addie announces in Chapter 29?

A) plans for the No-Name Party’s next election

B) what everyone wants to be when they grow up

C) advice about how to talk to someone you have a crush on

D) which of the eighth grade teachers is the nicest

3. Whom does Skeezie end up marrying later in life?

A) Addie

B) Kelsey

C) Steffi

D) Brittany

Short-Answer Response

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence or sentences. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. On the day after the election, what does Mr. Kiley tell Bobby and his friends when he calls them into his office?

2. In Chapter 29, what does Bobby tell his friends about his plan to stay in Paintbrush Falls?

In later life, how do Addie’s interest in politics and her rebellious nature end up making her successful?

Quizzes – Answer Key

Chapters 1-4

Reading Check

1. Paintbrush Falls, New York (Chapter 1)

2. The Friday Forum (Chapter 3)

Multiple Choice

1. B (Chapter 1)

2. D (Chapter 2)

3. A (Chapter 4)

Short-Answer Response

1. They are teased and ostracized at school. (Chapter 2)

2. He tells her that she should just say the Pledge so that she does not draw attention to herself. (Chapter 3)

3. When he was little, Joe liked to wear clothing more typically worn by women and girls. (Chapter 4)

Chapters 5-8

Reading Check

1. meeting minutes (Chapter 6)

2. Tonni (Chapter 8)

Multiple Choice

1. C (Chapter 5)

2. C (Chapter 7)

3. D (Chapter 8)

Short-Answer Response

1. She tells Bobby that people are usually grouchy because they are unhappy, and that people are usually unhappy for a reason. (Chapter 5)

2. Addie says that she wants to create an independent political party at school. She will call it the “Freedom Party.” (Chapter 6)

3. He asks his father if he would consider chaperoning the school dance. (Chapter 7)

Chapters 9-12

Reading Check

1. because he is male (Chapter 9)

2. Skeezie (Chapter 12)

Multiple Choice

1. A (Chapter 10)

2. B (Chapter 11)

3. A (Chapter 12)

Short-Answer Response

1. DuShawn jokes that their party platform should be about freeing the slaves. Later, he and Addie decide that the party’s real purpose will be representing the interests of minority students. (Chapter 9)

2. DuShawn points out that although he and his friends have to worry about racial prejudice, he notices that it is Bobby and his friends who are the targets of constant bullying at school. (Chapter 10)

3. Bobby asks Kelsey if she wants to come over to Joe’s house on Sunday to make campaign posters. He thinks she says yes, but her voice is too quiet for him to know for sure. (Chapter 11)

Chapters 13-16

Reading Check

1. The No-Name Party (Chapter 14)

2. DuShawn (Chapter 15)

Multiple Choice

1. C (Chapter 13)

2. D (Chapter 15)

3. B (Chapter 16)

Short-Answer Response

1. Another student, Kevin Hennessey, makes fun of Bobby’s weight and Addie’s height. (Chapter 13)

2. They will make posters of the names and use these to create interest in their political party. (Chapter 14)

3. They each make an excuse to leave homeroom and put up the posters when there are no other students in the halls. (Chapter 16)

Chapters 17-20

Reading Check

1. math (Chapter 17)

2. Their posters have been taken down. (Chapter 19)

Multiple Choice

1. C (Chapter 18)

2. A (Chapter 19)

3. B (Chapter 20)

Short-Answer Response

1. Mr. Kellerman’s mother has died. (Chapter 17).

2. Bobby accuses his father of giving up on his dream of owning his own landscaping business and giving up on finding love. (Chapter 18)

3. If that happens, it will just prove how necessary their party is. (Chapter 20)

Chapters 21-24

Reading Check

1. He keeps calling and hanging up. (Chapter 22)

2. He got called names when he was a kid, too. (Chapter 24)

Multiple Choice


1. D (Chapter 21)

2. D (Chapter 22)

3. A (Chapter 23)

Short-Answer Response

1. She tells him that people expect beautiful people to be happy all the time. (Chapter 21)

2. He compares it to the musical West Side Story. (Chapter 23)

3. She wants him to deliver her campaign speech. (Chapter 24)

Chapters 25-27

Reading Check

1. Fluff (Chapter 26)

2. Kelsey (Chapter 27)

Multiple Choice

1. C (Chapter 25)

2. D (Chapter 26)

3. B (Chapter 27)

Short-Answer Response

1. Bobby’s dad tells him that when you are a dad, you want to encourage and support your kids. (Chapter 25)

2. They are “strong enough to be who they are.” (Chapter 26)

3. His father is emotional, looking like he might cry, and he tells Bobby that he is proud of him. (Chapter 27)

Chapters 28-30

Reading Check

1. the Democrats (Chapter 28)

2. Joe (Chapter 30)

Multiple Choice

1. C (Chapter 28)

2. B (Chapter 29)

3. C (Chapter 30)

Short-Answer Response

1. He wants to have a No-Name Day even though the No-Name Party did not win. (Chapter 28).

2. He tells them that he used to think he would stay in Paintbrush Falls and just take some kind of local job, but now he thinks that he might like to be a writer. (Chapter 29)

3. Addie becomes a social studies teacher, and her unconventional teaching methods end up causing her to be named “Teacher of the Year” several times. (Chapter 30)