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The Dawn Treader later stops at an inviting-looking island. When they disembark, the crew notices that the grounds seem well maintained, but they do not see any inhabitants. While they walk up a path toward a house in the distance, Lucy stops to take a stone out of her shoe and falls behind. She hears some thumping sounds and approaching voices, but she still cannot see anyone. She hides and realizes that a group of invisible people has stopped right next to her. The leader tells the others about his plan to attack the Dawn Treader crew, and his companions cheerfully agree. Once they are gone, Lucy runs to her friends and tells them what she heard. They are unsettled by the idea of invisible enemies and return to their boat, but they are stopped by the unseen people on the beach. Encouraged by his followers, the leader explains that they need a favor from Lucy and will capture her by force if she does not comply. He states that the house belongs to a magician whom the invisible people serve. The leader explains that one day, they refused to complete a task that the magician asked of them, so he cast a spell on them to make them “ugly.” Upset by their new appearance, the creatures looked for a way to undo the spell in the magician’s book, but they could not find one. Instead, they used a different spell in the book to make themselves invisible so they would not have to look at themselves, but they now regret that choice. They want to undo the enchantment of invisibility, and because the invisibility spell was initially read by a young girl, Lucy is now the only one who can read the counterspell and lift the enchantment of invisibility. To prevent any fighting, Lucy agrees to the task. The invisible people are delighted.
The next day, Lucy goes upstairs to the magician’s room. She is afraid and does not know whether the magician is alive or dead. She speculates that he may also be invisible. She finds the magic book, and as she turns the pages, she experiences strange effects from the spells and incantations that she reads. In fact, the book itself is enchanted, so the illustrations seem to come to life and take hold of Lucy’s mind. She is tempted to read a beautification spell that shows her how jealous her sister Susan would be if Lucy were prettier than her. But, as Lucy looks at the page, she notices an illustration of Aslan’s face, which reminds her of her true goal. She then comes across a spell that reveals what the spellcaster’s friends truly think of them. The spell invokes an image of Lucy’s friend saying mean things to another schoolmate behind her back. Lucy is upset, but then she finally finds the spell that renders things visible again. Once she has cast it, she turns to leave and finds herself facing Aslan himself. He reassures her that her friend did not really believe the mean things she said and was simply afraid of the other girl. Aslan then leads her to the magician.
The magician’s name is Coriakin, and he bows to Aslan when the lion introduces him to Lucy. The girl learns that Aslan entrusted Coriakin with the house and its inhabitants, the Duffers, who are friendly, guileless creatures who are easily confused and distracted. Coriakin makes sure that the Duffers tend to the land, but they sometimes rebel against his authority, thinking him a cruel “master” rather than the benevolent caretaker that he really is. Once Aslan has taken his leave, Coriakin invites Lucy to have lunch with him and tells her his side of the story. Afterward, they exit the house and find the now visible Duffers napping in the garden. The creatures are small one-legged gnomes. They are happy to be visible again, and Lucy finds them harmless and amusing. Before the Dawn Treader leaves again, they all have a feast, and the magician helps them to mend their ship.
Twelve days later, the ship comes across what looks like an island with a large mountain on it. As they get closer, they realize that the “island” is in fact a cloud of ominous darkness. Most of the crew wants to avoid it, but Reepicheep argues that they should brave it for the sake of adventure. In the end, they reluctantly sail into the darkness and silence. After a while, they hear someone cry out for help, and Caspian orders him brought on board. The stranger urges the crew to leave the dark cloud as quickly as possible, telling them that he has been trapped for a long time on this island where dreams come true. Although the crew initially believes that this would be a good thing, they realize that the island brings nightmares to life. They try to escape but soon despair that they will never succeed. Eventually, Lucy prays for a sign from Aslan, and a sudden bright light appears to guide them out of the dark cloud. Once the ship is safe, the stranger introduces himself as Lord Rhoop, and the dark island dissipates.
With the adventurers’ arrival at Coriakin’s island, Lewis once again displays his skill at manipulating perceptions and expectations, for although the narrative first depicts the Duffers as threatening, the narrative soon adds a dash of humor by characterizing them as absentminded and naive. This apparent contradiction creates a sense of mystery and anticipation, especially as the protagonists themselves are confused about their hosts’ true nature and intentions. Similarly, when Lucy climbs upstairs to find the Magician’s book and lift the spell of invisibility, Lewis crafts an oppressive, ominous atmosphere that seems to harbor a hidden menace, and this vibe intensifies as she flips apprehensively through the powerful spells depicted in the magical tome. However, once Aslan appears and the Magician explains the Duffers’ situation, she realizes that there was never any cause for fear. This sudden shift in perception from danger to safety reflects Lewis’s views on the real world as well, for the entire passage implies that the unknown can often seem threatening until it is clearly seen and understood. Thus, the lifting of the spell of invisibility represents the natural transition from ignorance to understanding, and the sense of certainty and relief that often results.
In accordance with this shift from ignorance to understanding, Lewis also points out the dangers of seeking information to which one is not entitled. Thus, The Magician’s Book symbolizes Lucy’s struggle to resist temptation. Throughout this novel and the series as a whole, she and the other protagonists are often presented with moral and spiritual tests, since in Lewis’s world, morality and faith are the very building blocks upon which the country of Narnia is built. In this instance, just as in life, Lucy’s eventual success in passing the test does not come without a few failures along the way. Although she resists the urge to make herself more beautiful than her sister, thus rejecting vanity and jealousy, she does give in to her desire to know what her friends are saying behind her back and is hurt to learn that her friend Marjorie is “getting tired” (87) of her.
Thus, as Aslan later points out, she experiences the spiritual consequences of seeking to know things that she should not, but even in the midst of his admonishment, Aslan offers her consolation and a different interpretation of her friend’s actions. In true Christ-like fashion, he encourages her to be selfless and show compassion for Marjorie. Aslan’s lessons for the human protagonists, while infinitely loving, are also delivered with a bit of an edge. His richly nuanced wisdom and calm encouragement are often wrapped in gentle admonitions: a pairing of acceptance and critique which, while seemingly contradictory, perfectly encapsulates the essence of Christian morality that pervades the tale.
Even after the adventurers leave Coriakin’s island, this section of the novel continues to focus primarily on Lucy’s heroism and her unique connection with Aslan. Lucy and Aslan have a close relationship throughout The Chronicles of Narnia, for she is one of the first to discover Narnia and always remains one of his most fervent believers, even when her companions succumb to doubt or darkness. Indeed, the very origin of her name is the Latin word for “light,” and accordingly, she often serves as a source of inspiration to her companions in difficult moments. Because Lucy is young and morally pure, she also represents the idealized innocence that is typically valued in Christian ideology. For example, when the group is trapped in the waters around the Dark Island, Lucy is the one who prays for Aslan to save them, crying out, “Aslan, Aslan, if ever you loved us at all, send us help now” (106). Her steadfast faith is rewarded when a beam of light appears, from which something that “at first [looks] like a cross” (106) and is then revealed to be an albatross guides them out of the dark cloud. This occurrence marks yet another reference to the Christian symbolism of dark versus light and contributes to the ongoing theme of Fate and Divine Intervention.
Additionally, Coriakin’s island can be interpreted as a miniature Christian kingdom, whose inhabitants are in various stages of redemption. Ramandu later explains that Coriakin is a fallen star whom Aslan tasked with “govern[ing] the Duffers [as] a punishment” (118). The Duffers’ unruliness, naivety, and inability to govern themselves may be read as a humorous caricature of human follies and shortcomings in the real world. By extension, the relationship between Coriakin and the Duffers likewise implies that humans need to be shepherded by a higher authority and safeguarded from the damage that their own foolishness can cause, just as the Duffers seemingly need Coriakin’s guidance to survive. Symbolically, this interpretation further intensifies the theme of Fate and Divine Intervention.
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